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Yangon Coup (Myanmar) 

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    Yangon is also known as “Rangoon” which is the largest, most populous city in Myanmar. In 1755, the king of Burma named the city as “Yangon” which means the end of war. After the war between the U.K. and Burma, Burma became a colony. In the past, Myanmar people were a minority in the entire population of Yangon, as the population was mostly Indian, Chinese, and British. However, after independence in 1948, the government implemented a closed policy, so the foreigners had to leave or change their nationality to Myanmarese. 

After the 1962 coup d'etat, Myanmar was controlled by a military government for 52 years. The people who were against the military government began to resist on August 8th, 1988, called “8888 Uprising”. In the process, Aung San Suu Kyi emerged as a symbol of the democratic movement. Therefore, Aung San Suu Kyi was put under house arrest in 1988 as the leader of the democratic movement to end the military government.

Even under these poor conditions, the National League of Democracy led by Suu Kyi won the 1990 general election by 82%. However, the military government invalidated the 1990 general election result, and put Suu Kyi under house arrest until November 13, 2010. However, the NLD won the 2015 general election by taking 390 seats out of 491 seats, so the military government finally ended after 53 years. 

The 2020 general election directly triggered the coup d'etat that occurred on February 1, 2020. The NLD won the 2020 general election, but the military continued to question the results of the election as a rigged election. On February 1, 2020, the military executed a coup d'etat. 


  As soon as the coup d'etat began, the general public began to protest against the military government for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. 1,000,000 people participated in demonstrations in the largest city of Yangon. The demonstrations gradually grew larger, and the military government started to use their authority and power to repress the demonstrations. While the military government was trying to repress the demonstrators, more than 700 civilians were killed including children. The protests are still ongoing, and a steady number of people are continuing to be injured and murdered due to the repression by the military government. 

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