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Argentina (El Museo Sitio de Memoria ESM

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The site retains memories of the last Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983), and is a collective area to honor the victims and condemn crimes against humanity. ESMA Memory Site Museum was registered in Argentina’s Tentative List of UNESCO's World Heritage Site.ESMA(Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada) is one of Argentina's well-known detention facilities during the dirty war. The dirty war refers to the time when the military regime committed terrorism, organized torture, forced disappearance, and intelligence manipulation by the state in Argentina from 1976 to 1983, under President Jorge Videla.

During the dictatorship, in the Navy Mechanics School (ESMA), a military training center for cadets, the largest clandestine detention center in the country operated at the same time. It is estimated that between 1976 and 1983 more than five thousand people were taken there; most of them by military aircrafts and thrown alive from a great height to the Rio de la Plata river or the Argentine territorial sea in the so-called “death flights”, or murdered andburied as “N.N.” (Ningún Nombre/No Name) in mass graves. At least 37 pregnant women gave birth in captivity to their babies, who were appropriated by other families.

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The tour consists of 17 rooms featuring traditional and contemporary museographic exhibits based on the testimonies of survivors, historical documents from the National Commission on the Disappearance of People, the Trial of the Juntas, and declassified State documents, among other archives. The rooms are: the Entrance Hall, Historical Context, A History of ESMA: From School to Clandestine Center; Basement, Transfers, Capucha (Hood), Capuchita (Little Hood), Pregnant Women’s Room, Pañol (Storeroom), Pecera (Fishtank), The Admiral’s House, Los Jorges, and the Golden Room.


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